Insurance - Mature Families
Could your family maintain their lifestyle if something happened to you?
You've built a comfortable lifestyle for your family based on hard work and commitment that has resulted in some financial rewards.
It's something you'll want to protect, as a family's lifestyle is one of the things that helps keep it together as a unit.
But certain activities, and these little luxuries you're used to, don't come cheap. You probably feel you're always putting your hand in your pocket spending money.
So how would your family maintain their lifestyle if something happened to you?
Insurance is your most valuable asset, every day of the year
Having insurance and keeping it up to date with your changing circumstances is the foundation for a good financial and now and in the future.
How would your business cope if you couldn't work?
Running a business has its share of rewards but also a number of risks that shouldn't be ignored. Your daily focus is centred on building, managing and running the business to ensure growth and profitability.
However if the unexpected were to happen, such as your business partnership ending or a key person being unable to work for a period of time due to injury or even death, it could jeopardise all you've achieved and leave you and your family extremely vulnerable.
The good news is having and keeping insurance can easily reduce the damaging impact to your business when you, or key people, fall ill or can't work.
The three basic protection needs you should consider are:
- Asset (Debt) protection
- Revenue protection
- Ownership protection
The key is making sure you have and maintain the right amount of protection for the right people at the right time and stage of your business life.
Do you think "it won't happen to me"?
As a mature family you have so much happening in your life/lives
Most family members will have a hobby, sporting or work commitments that take up a huge part of their lives.
You're so focussed on other things now that you don't want to think about what might or might not happen in the future.
However take a moment to consider that life is uncertain and no one knows what's around the corner. So doesn't it make sense, now you have a family to support, that you make sure your insurance will protect you and your family as you all grow and your circumstances change?
What if you suffered an injury in a road accident or a critical illness such as cancer, how would you and your family cope then?
Would you need to move your family back home to your parents, how would you pay the bills and mortgage
Insurance is your most valuable asset, every day of the year
As your circumstances change so do your insurance needs, so speak to us now about insurance to meet your needs now and in the future.
How would illness or serious injury to you or a member of your family, impact you financially?
Your life as a family has started and there are many changes occurring compared to when your were young and independent - the most obvious being more responsibility.
You don't just have yourself to look after, but now there's also a spouse or partner and small child/children. Your focus and priorities and now different and you start to thinking about planning for the future.
It's now you'll really start to see he benefit of having insurance as part of your financial plans. If you've had insurance in place for a while, now is the perfect time to review it in line with how your life has changed
Start thinking about:
- how your spouse and children would cope financially if something happened and you were unable to work and provide for them
- if one of your children became seriously ill, you might need to give up work to take care of them and this could impact you financially
Want to speak to us about you
Contact us to ask us a question or make an appointment to meet with one of our advisers
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